Last week, at the Enterprise 2.0 conference in Boston, I moderated a panel on Open Source Platforms.
The panelists were:
- Bob Bickel, from Ringside Networks
- John Newton, from Alfresco
- Jeff Whatcott, from Acquia
Although the conference doesn’t audio tape or videotape the breakout sessions in the smaller rooms – only the keynote – they were nice enough to allow us to record the panel’s audio.
You can download the MP3 (43MB, 128 bit rate) or listen in the player below:
The panel was covered a few places:
- On Jeff’s blog: “Enterprise 2.0 Conference: A Drupal Perspective“
- By Kathleen Reidy on the 451 Group blog: “Open source at Enterprise 2.0“
- By Dennis Byron at ebizQ: “Open source, including open source Sharepoint tool, in/at Enterprise 2.0“
Let me know if I missed any.